
Public Health sanitary inspection grade of an A.


Comfort Food


20 FT


Richeeze Melts was created from one simple thought: reminiscing on the Grilled Cheese Sandwich that was a childhood staple for many. The owners talked about why there weren’t enough Grilled Cheese Sandwiches out there, and how much everyone loves the All-American Classic Grilled Cheese Sandwich. In the midst of chats about nostalgic childhood memories and their love for Grilled Cheese, the idea sparked, and Richeeze was born. The more they talked about the idea, they began to smile and say, Richeeze! The idea caught like wildfire and next thing you know everybody was walking around saying “Smile and Say Richeeze.”

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Meet Severin Stone

Meet the owners, Severin Stone and Richard Maize. These two grilled cheese lovers joined forces to craft the perfect grilled cheese sandwich, aiming to replicate the love and care that Grandma used to put into her homemade sandwiches, a taste they cherished during their childhood. Their goal was to share this nostalgic delight with the world.

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